What you imagine going to sleep at night?
Could be either, couldn't it.
Could be both simultaneously. Not for me though. I'd have the oddest aspirations if it was the case.
I guess I'll discuss both.
My dreams, to be frank, scare me. The dreams I remember I remember in detail, and there are just odd details. I haven't had a nightmare that I can remember since before I was thirteen, but my dreams and what they have the potential to mean are freaky. I think every time I have told a dream to someone, the looks on their faces have been incredulous or scared. Of me or for me, I don't know.
So I'd prefer to discuss my aspirations.
I don't know how many of you know this, but I kind of have the idea of my future set out. I don't know how many of you are interested either.
I'm expecting in ten or so years time, I'll be a teacher. I'm not necessarily hoping for that, I'm just expecting it.
I'm planning a few things in the future between now and then, but how they'll work out considering the state of my current friendships is debatable. I was always hoping to travel with friends in my gap year, but I'm not taking a gap year. I think we get about seven months off anyhow, so a few of my friends and I decided we'd buy a van and road trip around Australia, or at least part of it. I can't even remember the people involved, but it would be nice. It's not an original idea at all, and it might not be a plausible one, but it's nice to have something in mind.
I'm doing all TEE subjects for my six next year. My aim is, quite plainly, university. Specifically, the University of Western Australia. If I have the capability to get in.
Apparently you can fail English and be an English teacher though.
But UWA is the highest in the state, so I doubt that could happen there.
I want to do an education degree, majoring in English and minoring in drama. If that's the right terminology. Become an English and Drama teacher.
That's not my dream though. I'd be lying if that was all I wanted in life.
No. I think I mentioned this before, perhaps even numerous times. To act, in theatre. That's my dream. I don't want to be famous, just to be known, just maybe, once in life, to be wowed at, to leave an impression in someones mind. I'm not that memorable a person.
I want to get into Theatre at WAAPA, and every year for about 5 years, after I go to university, if I am able to do that, and once I've secured a job, I will audition. Only 18 out of about 300 get in each year, nine males and nine females.
So I'm not going to be heartbroken if I don't get in. There are others far more talented than myself, I realise that.
You know, it'd just be nice.
That's my ultimate goal in life. To act on stage and make a living from it.
I have minor and short term objectives as well.
I'd like to travel across Australia by train, alone, by the time I'm 30.
I'd like to write and publish a short story, play, or monologue.
I'd like to have a best friend.
I'd like to get a B average at the end of year twelve.
I'd like to get a job in the next few months.
I'd like someone to remember my name when they're sixty, someone who hadn't been friends with me at that point, for good reasons.
I don't know. My dreams might not mean anything. I'm one person in more than six billion.
Maybe a dent, a pinprick on the world would be nice.
...I don't think any of what I just wrote made sense. The whole post.
As for what I wore today?
Knowing what school I go to isn't a good thing on the internet. =].
So you can have a look at my shoes.

I do like contrast. And I love Converse.
Thanks for reading.